Wednesday, 17 April 2013


Subject:           Science
Topic:              Investigating the technology world
Sub topic:        Strength and Stability of Structures
Class:               5A
Enrolment:       30
Date:               21/04/2013
Time:               8.30-9.30am
Prior Knowledge:        Pupils study the shapes before.
Learning Objective:    Pupils should learn stability of structures.
Learning Outcomes:    At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able:
-          To differentiate the stability of the shapes given.
-          To say out at least two factors that influence the stability and balance of a building.
Science Process Skills:            Measuring, Observing and Experimenting
Thinking Skills:                       To relate, making inferences
Scientific attitudes and Noble value:  obey to the rules, co-operative and brave.
Apparatus:                                           beaker 250ml, empty plastic bottle.

Teaching and learning aids:                Shapes model, slides, computer, LCD, worksheets.


Learning and Teaching Activities
(   3 min.)
The buildings around us are built using a combination of many different geometrical shapes.
  1. Pupils watching the slide from the LCD.
  2. Teacher asks questions.
a. What is the different between the buildings? (Different shapes.)
b. Can you name the shapes? (cuboids, hemispheres, pyramid, hexagon.)
  1. Teacher introduces the title that will be taught for the day.
*Teaching and learning aids: slides, computer, LCD.

Eliciting of ideas
(   8 min.)
Strength and Stability of Structures

          mean                            affected by

-Strong enough to 
 withstand large 
-Able to support their
 own weigh without
-Not easily collapse 
when a force applied  
on it.
-Have the point of

1.Structural forms
2.Base Area
3.Weight of objects
4.Centre of Gravity

1. A structure is more stable if it has a bigger base area.
2. A structure is also more stable if the centre of gravity is at a low position.

  1. Teacher explains the meaning of strength and stability of structure.
  2. Teacher shows the model of the different types of shapes.
 3.   Teacher asks question.
   a. Which shape is more stable?       (Cone.)
       b. Which shapes is easier to move? (Sphere.)    
4.Teacher explains the relation  between  the shape and the stability.
*Scientific attitude:
Obey to the rules
*Teaching and learning aids: slides, computer, LCD, shapes model. *Thinking skill:
To relate
Restructuring of Ideas
(   8 min.)

Procedures for the experiment:
  1. Put the empty plastic bottle on the table and blow.
  2. Observe it.
  3. Fill the plastic bottle with 10ml water.
  4. Blow it and observe it.
  5. Add in 10ml water and repeat the above steps.
  6. Record down the finding in the table.

  1. Divide pupils into 7 groups.
  2. Teacher reminds the class to obey the safety rules while doing the experiment.
    1. Must follow instruction.
    2. Be careful when using the apparatus.
  1. Teacher asks pupils to observe the experiment they do and what should they pay attention during the experiment.  
  2. The situation of the plastic bottle after blowing 
  3.  Teacher provides each group the apparatus.
  4. Teacher giving the instructions.
  5. Pupils carry out the experiment.
  6. Teacher walks around and gives guidance.                       
Beaker 250ml,  100ml water and plastic bottle.

*Science Process Skills:

*Scientific attitude:

co-operative, Save water
*Appendix 1
Application of Idea
(   8 min.)

Heavy objects are also more stable then light objects of the same size and shape.

  1. Teacher asking the results from each group.
    1. What happening when you blow the empty plastic bottle? (Fall down.)
    2. What happening when adds in 10ml water? (Need harder to blow the plastic bottle.
    3. What will happened if continue to add in water? (The plastic bottle will not fall down.)
  1. Each group of pupils says out their results.
3.   Teacher gives explanations 
    1. conclusion of the experiment.
*Science Process Skills:

(   3min.)
  1. A strong structure will not be easily shattered, broken or destroy when a force is applied on it.
  2. The stability of a building depends on:
    1. the sturctural form
    2. the base area
    3. weight of objects.
    4. the position of the centre of  gravity.
  1. Teacher guides pupils to reflect what they have learnt today.
  2. Ask pupils to write out the processes in Science lab book by using the graphic organizer.

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